"The joint ability of humans and AI is much stronger than either alone"

Esteban Granero, Founder & Olocip CEO

Our history

Olocip began with the collaboration between Esteban Granero (professional football player), Pedro Larrañaga and Choncha Bielza (both AI professors at the Polytechnical University of Madrid) with the aim of uniting two very different worlds – football and science.   Today, Olocip specialises in the implementation of the most advanced AI in the fields of sport and industry, possessing the only technology capable of bridging both predictive and prescriptive dimensions and giving answers to real questions.

Olocip recieves 'Promotion of Research and Science' award

Olocip Member of the European AI Alliance

Recognition for Innovative SME

Recognition by the European Regional Development Fund for the promotion of technology sectors

Recognition in research and development for European Quality Assurance (EQA)

Pioneers in the development and application of Artificial Intelligence

Our promise

Optimisation of strategy and decision-making processes with scientific rigour and guarantees, alongside professional experience

Know How IA

Team formed by doctors and specialists in the development and implementation of the most advanced Artificial Intelligence, with more than 30 years of professional experience

Made-to-measure programmes

Developing personalised Artificial Intelligence models which cater to each client’s individual needs

AI-based solutions

Turning data into strategic assets

Competitive advantage

Scientific rigour and maximum levels of accuracy to protect and maximise corporate asses, cost reduction, resource optimisation and time saving

Technological Solutions

Meet some of the team members

Business Management

Esteban Granero

CEO & Founder

Mario Garrido

Business Manager

Technical and Artificial Intelligence Management

Gaizka San Vicente


PhD in Industrial Engineering

Sergio Luengo

Lead Data Scientist
PhD in Artifical Intelligence

Marco Benjumeda

Lead Data Scientist

PhD in Artifical Intelligence

Jacinto Carrasco

Data Scientist

PhD in Artifical Intelligence

Jacobo Osorio

Data Scientist

Jorge Fernández

Data Scientist

Thiago Bomfim

Data Scientist

Alejandro Fernández

Software Engineer

Jose Ramón Morales

Software Engineer Jr

Football Management

Matheiu Peyreblanque

Football Developer

Julian van Haacke

Football Developer

Communications, Marketing and Finance

Bárbara Ugidos

Communications & Marketing Manager

Lucía Peidro

Financial Manager




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