
Applying Artificial Intelligence to optimise digital campaigns, improve client experience, raise income, and impact share price

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What problems does it solve?

Marketing and communication teams frequently work with high rates of uncertainty and therefore are key targets for tools that, under scientific scrutiny, can reduce that. Our marketing solution is aimed at departments, agencies, consultants and professionals specialised in the areas of marketing and communication with the aim of maximising their resources and campaigns via predictive and prescriptive methods. Thanks to Artificial Intelligence, the impact that a campaign will have (via views and other key performance indicators) can be predicted going forwards. Identifying and suggesting the best and most profitable times for posts is now possible thanks to AI.

How can we help?

How can we help

Engagement analysis

Prediction and classification of the most profitable and least risk prone actions

Content strategy simulation and prediction

Automatic product categorisation

Logo and image detection via computer vision system

Olocip has developed an AI system capable of automating the collection of campaign performance indicators using Artificial Intelligence algorithms. Furthermore, this AI model allows the impact a new campaign will have and simulates optimal strategies to maximise goals and return on investment.

Why use our solution?

Optimisation of marketing channel investments

In-depth customer knowledge and future behaviour prediction

Custom campaigns for a range of client profiles

Quantification of performance impact

Success stories

By understanding behaviour and interaction patterns of followers with your content with AI, it is possible to predict and simulate more profitable content strategies

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Success Stories

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