The superpowers of AI

What makes us intelligent?




“Machine learning is the automation of discovery: computers learn by themselves by generalising from data rather than being programmed by us. It’s like the scientific method with SUPERPOWERS: you formulate hypotheses, test them with data, refine it – only that computers do it millions of times faster than humans”.

Pedro Domingos Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering

What can it do for your business?

¡La IA es la nueva electricidad !

Andrew NG

Why Olocip

Our team of Artificial Intelligence experts develop technological solutions designed to optimise productivity and increase the competitiveness of your business

Our key areas


Generating knowledge systems


Specific made-to-measure solutions that tackle each problem with a high level of precision


Scientifically validated models, based on efficiency, transparency, and high levels of accuracy


Flexible and dynamically adapted solutions

Modelos transparentes IA




Specialised in a range of Artificial Intelligence fields

Olocip is formed by an internationally prestigious Artificial Intelligence department with unique knowledge and capabilities in this scientific field.

Automated learning

Aiming to learn patterns from training data to replicate previously unobserved situations

Computer vision

Processing, analysis and understanding of real-world images

Natural language processing

Analysis, recognition, and automatic understanding of human language, both spoken and written by a computer

Probabilistic graphical models

Statistical models represented as graphs that codify relationships between variables

Time Series Prediction

Analysing the evolution of time sequences in the past to predict future behaviour

Value scale

Olocip has the capability to extract the maximum value from your data. From the initial descriptive level, to predicting what will happen in the future or the automatic recommendation of instruction to maximise your objectives.

¿Por qué Olocip?

  • Victor Orta

    Director deportivo Leeds United
    Análisis contextualizados desde la Inteligencia Artificial. Las capacidades de Olocip responden a las preguntas adecuadas.
  • Ángeles Muñoz

    Alcaldesa de Marbella
    Inteligencia artificial para optimizar la calidad del turismo y desestacionalizar el sector. Proyecto a largo plazo junto con Olocip, empresa internacional pionera en la implementación de la Inteligencia Artificial
  • Alvaro Rius

    Director Deportivo America de Cali
    Organizar, filtrar, visualizar y responder al pasado no es suficiente... La Inteligencia Artificial más avanzada de Olocip es capaz de responder a las necesidades más exigentes, anticipando el conocimiento de las circunstancias a los hechos
  • Javier Cocheteux

    CEO Pan Delirio | Miga de Oro Award 2019
    La inteligencia artificial de Olocip me permite predecir mi demanda futura, optimizar la producción y maximizar las ventas
  • Juan Iraola

    Chief Innovation Officer Real Sociedad S.A.D
    La Inteligencia Artificial supone el comienzo de una nueva era, una que permite a las entidades ser más eficientes en los procesos. Olocip representa el siguiente nivel en el análisis de datos.
  • Pedro Mestriner

    CEO Horizm | Best Supplier 2020 WFS
    La Inteligencia Artificial de Olocip nos permite incorporar dimensiones predictivas y prescriptivas en nuestra solución. Conociendo los patrones de comportamiento de los seguidores, y su forma de interactuar con los contenidos a través de la IA, es posible optimizar las estrategias y monetizar eficientemente las acciones digitales.
  • Igor Crespo

    CEO & Founder Xpheres
    La Inteligencia Artificial y los modelos predictivos de Olocip me permiten evaluar el rendimiento de los futuros jugadores e incluso conocer situaciones que no aparecen en los datos históricos.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Technologies that allow us to maximise human capabilities using intelligent machines


La IA es la nueva electricidad

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